Zach Elefante



Well. They’re rocks.

These rocks were constructed during a jr. summer camp the Palmdale Playhouse hosts for kids to learn and take part in theatre. The kids audition, practice, and perform a show on stage and pitch ion to other areas of the theatre along the way. First the rocks were formed (by me) from poultry wire on scrap wood bases. Then the kids assisted in covering the form with paper mâché and painted them to match the set designed for their show. It was a great class to teach and very enjoyable for the kids.


Rusty knife


This knife was purchased from a costume store and was generally cheap looking. First, several gashes and scratches were carved into the face using various files to give a very used aesthetic. Then it was painted with a very shiny chrome silver spray paint. After that, several passes of weathering were put over the silver. A pass of each black, brown, and tan paints and a few passes of reds, oranges, and browns with layers of salt in between were used to give the rusting effect.


the Wizard of OZ

This Wizard of OZ puppet was created for a children’s show. Unfortunately it was only on stage for a matter of seconds but still a cool thing to have around. It was constructed by up-scaling a popular face paper craft found online. Once the pattern was in the correct scale, it was traced on to cardboard and assembled. The mouth section was left separate so the performer could puppeteer the face to speak with his own. Then after a few coats of green spray paint and a PVC stand, it was ready for the spotlight.